Costume Contest 2014
Homemade Nursery Rhyme Costumes

Costumes aren't just for Halloween!

Grandma's Nursery Rhymes is sponsoring a homemade nursery rhyme costume contest.

Because we believe homemade nursery rhyme costumes are not just for Halloween, we want you to submit your ideas throughout the year.

Costumes are great for putting on school or daycare plays, Sunday school lessons or skits, and developing those little imaginations.

Role playing is a great way for little ones to develop cognitive and language skills, increase their vocabulary, stretch their imaginations, development of different emotional perspectives, problem solve, and even leadership skills.

We believe that creating fun costumes in characters they enjoy is so much more than a once a year opportunity. Playing dress up is a wonderful way for your little ones to learn and express themselves!

2014 Costume Contest

While we have some great ideas for homemade costumes, we believe our readers are the best source for creative ideas!

So, we decided to create some excitement to solicit those delightful ideas to share with all of those out there who are seeking out homemade nursery rhyme costumes.

We are very excited about this contest and hope all of you will be too!

All you need to do is read through our contest rules and submit your one of kind homemade nursery rhyme costume.

Be sure to include great pictures of how you went about putting together the costume, with of course, that final REVEAL.... picture!

Then give us a detailed write up of how you came up with the idea, what you pulled together to create the costume and any special instructions to make it the best ever nursery rhyme costume.

Check this out for more costume contest entry tips.

Important Things To Know!

All entries submitted to our website through midnight EST on November 7, 2014, will be entered into the 2014 Costume Contest.

You don't want to miss that date for a chance to win up to $250 for your idea.

Yes, I did say $250 for the grand prize winner.

We'll also pay $175 for the second place and $75 for the third.

So you have three, yes three chances to be in the money for your creativity!

The team here at Grandma's Nursery Rhymes will be judging all the entries received throughout the 2014 year up through November 7, 2014 and notifying the winners by December 10, 2014.

We are really looking forward to receiving all those incredibly fun, delightful and magical nursery rhyme costume entries.

Your costume entries will be posted on our website to share with our wonderful readers!

Use this form to submit your contest entry!

Share your homemade nursery rhyme costume and enter our costume contest!

Dressing up in costumes is so much fun! Everyone has a great time pretending to be someone or something else.

If you have created a great nursery rhyme costume, please share it with us!

All that creative energy deserves lots of praise and attention! Share your costume with us and be automatically entered in our homemade nursery rhyme costume contest.

Simply fill in our entry form telling us about your one of a kind creation, upload a few pictures and have a chance to win cash!

Not only do you win cash, you get to be on your very own web page on our site. So keep those creative juices flowing and send us your write up and pictures today!

Check out our other homemade costume contributions....

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Itsy Bitsy Spider Not rated yet
We have a new little girl. She is 3 mos old and I wanted to make her something cute but different for her first Halloween. Her 3 year old sister …

Click here to write your own.

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