The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe

by Courtney Henry
(York, PA, USA)

Zoey the Old Woman

Zoey the Old Woman

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do;
She gave them some broth without any bread;
Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed!

Three year old Zoey is dressed as an old woman, who had MANY children! Her favorite part of this costume was the wig, that she wore around the house for days before Halloween! She borrowed some glasses and pearls from her grandmother and a purse from her Mommy to complete this outfit!

Zoey did a fabulous job of putting together this adorable costume! Thank you for sharing with us!

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Nov 07, 2014
The Pumpkin Eater
by: Donna

She could be the wife of Peter the Pumpkin Eater. Here's the link to that nursery rhyme.....

Nov 05, 2014
who is a vinage lady in a pumpkin suit, a babys bobile.
by: Anonymous

I have a musical mobile with children rhymes characters,mothergoose, Mary had a little lamb, three men in a boat, jack and jill, old king Cole. And a woman in a orange pumpkin with a top piece on her head as the top piece of the pumpkin, wearing an apron. Music plays the lullaby tune. W
ho is the pumpkin lady???????

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