With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
This is my main thinker,
My teacher dear.
Main thinker,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
These are my eye blinkers,
My teacher dear.
Main thinker, eye blinkers,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
This is my smell boxer,
My teacher dear.
Main thinker, eye blinkers, smell boxer,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
This is my chin wagger,
My teacher dear.
Main thinker, eye blinkers, smell boxer, chin wagger,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
This is my cough chester,
My teacher dear
Main thinker, eye blinkers, smell boxer, chin wagger, cough chester,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
This is my bread basket,
My teacher dear.
Main thinker, eye blinkers, smell boxer, chin wagger, cough chester, bread basket,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
These are my knee knockers,
My teacher dear.
Main thinker, eye blinkers, smell boxer, chin wagger, cough chester, bread basket, knee knockers,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
With my hands on my head,
What have we here?
These are my toe toppers,
My teacher dear.
Main thinker, eye blinkers, smell boxer, chin wagger, cough chester, bread basket, knee knockers, toe tappers,
Nicky, knacky, knocky, noo!
That's what they taught me
When I went to school.
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