King Kokem

King Kokem lay snoozing upon his brass bed

Oh, play an old tune on your fiddle!

With shoes on his feet, and a crown on his head,

Oh, tune up your rusty old fiddle!

He dreamed of a land where the lions were tame,

Where they fried their lamb chops on a griddle,

Where they called all the parrots and monkeys by name,

Oh, play us a tune on your fiddle!

He dreamed of a sea filed with raspberry pop,

With a cocoanut isle in the middle,

Where the stones and the boulders had icing on top,

Go strike up a tune on your fiddle!

He dreamed of a sky where the moonbeams all danced

While a comet was telling a riddle,

Where the stars  and the planets and sun dogs all pranced,

While the moon played his fiddle de diddle!

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