Cowboy Diaper Cake!!!

by Jake Luna
(Waikoloa, HI, USA)

The couple the diaper cake is for is from the country and they love everything about it which is why I decided to create a cowboy theme diaper cake for the baby shower! I thought it would be a perfect match for them!

Each diaper is hand rolled and tied with ribbon then placed in a decorated cardboard box.

When decorating the card board boxes, I tried to keep with the cowboy/country theme which is why I added a fence and rope around the bottom layer.

As bad as this sounds, I used empty beer bottoms as pillars. I thought it was the perfect shape and fit with the theme. I wrapped each bottom with a thicker yarn.

That same yarn is wrapped around the boxes of travel size baby care items sitting on the top.

This diaper cake was for TWIN BOYS!!! I had to include 2 of everything.
Two sets of travel size baby care.
Two sets of pacifiers.
Two blankets.

Yes, there are blankets!!! They are actually tucked up in the middle of the diapers.
It is a great idea to use less diapers and include more baby items.

Then of course I had to top it off with cowboy boots and a hat!

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Aug 23, 2015

by: Donna

Love this Jake! What a great idea for your friends. The "two of everything" was wonderful for these parents of twins to receive.

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