A Big Fat Potato

A big, fat potato lay down on a clod,

In the shade of some burdock and tall goldenrod,

And he dreamed he were king of the whole garden plot,

With a palace and throne, and a crown and a lot

Of jewels and diamonds and gold, till it shone,

Like the front of a show when the lights are on.

He had to be minded by all the plants,

When he whistled the radishes knew they must dance;

When he tooted his horn the cucumbers must sing,

To a vegetable crowd gathered round in a ring.

He made all the cabbages stand in a row

While a sunflower instructed them just how to grow;

The bright yellow pumpkins he painted bright blue;

Took the clothes off the scarecrow and made him buy new.

He strutted and sputtered and thought it was grand

To be king and commander o'er all the wide land,

But at last he woke up with an awlful surprise,

And found a blind mole kicking  sand in his eyes!

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