A Place On The Farm

Everyone has a place on the farm,

Everyone does their special part.

They wake up early with the rising sun,

Then rest and sleep when the day is done.

The cows chew grass each day,

They give their milk in a special way.

They make a sound you can hear them say,

Moo, Moo, Moo

On the farm each day

In a special way.

The pigs play out in the pen each day,

They roll all around in a special way.

They make a sound you can hear them say,

Oink, Oink, Oink!

On the farm each day

In a special way.

The ducks waddle by the lake each day,

They wiggle-waddle in a special way.

They make a sound you can hear them say,

Quack, Quack, Quack!

On the farm each day

In a special way.

The horses clip-clop in the barn each day,

They clip-clop and ride in a special way.

They make a sound you can hear them say,

Neigh, Neigh, Neigh!

On the farm each day

In a special way.

The sheep graze in the field each day,

They give their wool in a special way.

They make a sound you can hear them say,

Baa, Baa, Baaa!

On the farm each day

In a special way.

The rooster stands proud on the farm each day,

He says good morning in a special way.

He makes a sound you can hear him say,

Cock-a-doodle doo, Cock-a-doodle doo!

On the farm each day

In a special way.

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  3. A Place On The Farm
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