Homemade Farmer Costume

Whether you want Old MacDonald or the Farmer in the Dell, a homemade farmer costume is easy as pie!

Here's some items you will need:

  • Denim overalls
  • Plaid or flannel shirt
  • Work boots
  • Straw hat
  • Bandana
  • Toy hoe or rake
  • Stuffed farm animals like a cow, duck, rooster

Dress your child in the shirt overalls and boots.

Roll up the sleeves on the shirt and the cuffs on the overalls.

Place the straw hat on their head.

Tie the bandana around their neck.

For the final touch, have them carry a toy hoe, rake or a stuffed farm animal!

There you have it, your very own Farmer in the Dell!

Check out our farmer related verses and activities!

Old MacDonald

The Farmer Went Trotting

Here Sits Farmer Giles

Here Sits Farmer Giles Activity

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